Día de los Muertos
November 2, 2024
This year, the Greeley Creative District plans to honor this important holiday with a few collaborative celebrations:
Este año, el Distrito Creativo de Greeley planea honrar este importante día festivo con algunas celebraciones colaborativas:
CLICK to Learn more about other Celebrations happening in the Community in OCT & NOV
CLICK to Learn more about other Celebrations happening in the Community in OCT & NOV 〰️
HAGA CLIC para obtener más información sobre otras celebraciones que tendrán lugar en la comunidad en OCT y NOV
HAGA CLIC para obtener más información sobre otras celebraciones que tendrán lugar en la comunidad en OCT y NOV 〰️
FREE Community Celebration
Celebración comunitaria GRATUITA
Saturday | Sábado, 11/2/24
3-5pm: LINC Library | Biblioteca LINC (501 8th Ave, Greeley, CO)
Enjoy printmaking, face painting, Nicho art displays and contribute to a community ofrenda (NO valuables, food or items that you would like returned please).
Disfrute del grabado, la pintura de caras, las exhibiciones de arte de Nicho y contribuya a una ofrenda comunitaria (NO se permiten objetos de valor, comida o artículos que desee que se le devuelvan, por favor).
4-6pm: Tointon Gallery | Galería Tointon (651 10th Ave, Greeley, CO)
Join a procession from LINC to the Tointon Gallery to see the accompanying exhibition and meet the artists at the show’s opening reception.
Únase a una procesión desde LINC hasta la Galería Tointon para ver la exposición adjunta y conocer a los artistas en la recepción inaugural de la muestra.
5-7pm: 8th St Plaza | PLAZA DE LA CALLE 8
Celebrate with the community in the 8th Street Plaza (between 8th Ave. & 9th Ave. in downtown Greeley) with tasty bites from Los Comales, Mexican Food, t-shirts, vendors, family activities, demonstrations and live performances by Marichi Ositos, Azanet Rodriguez and Baile Folklorico Orgullo Latino.
Celebre con la comunidad en 8th Street Plaza (entre 8th Ave. y 9th Ave. en el centro de Greeley) con ricos bocados de Los Comales, Comida Mexicana, camisetas, vendedores, actividades familiares, demostraciones y presentaciones en vivo de Marichi Ositos, Azanet. Rodríguez y Baile Folklórico Orgullo Latino.
The photos above were taken by photographer Robert Lujan of community members and performers Azanet Rodriguez and Troupe Sidysaan (belly dancers) at the Greeley Creative District's 2023 Día De Los Muertos Celebration.
Thanks to the generous support of The Weld Trust and The Midnight Oil Bookstore, we will be giving away 500 books about Día de los Muertos and the nature of celebrating loved ones who have passed. There will be books in Spanish, English and bilingual books containing both languages appropriate for ages 2-8.
Gracias al generoso apoyo de The Weld Trust y The Midnight Oil Bookstore, regalaremos 500 libros sobre el Día de los Muertos y la naturaleza de celebrar a los seres queridos que han fallecido. Habrá libros en español, inglés y libros bilingües que contengan ambos idiomas apropiados para edades de 2 a 8 años.
Tointon Gallery Exhibition
Exhibición en la Galería Tointon
Exhibition Dates | Fechas de Exhibición:
10/25/24 - 11/8/24
8am - 5pm Weekdays | Entre Semana
Tointon Gallery | Galería Tointon (651 10th Ave, Greeley)
This fine art exhibition features a sampling of local artists who are tied to Día de Los Muertos by their heritage. Día de Los Muertos is a unique holiday, started in Mexico by overlapping beliefs of the ancient indigenous Zapotec and Aztec cultures with Colonial Christian beliefs. Present day, the holiday is a true celebration of the dead, both lively and humorous, as well as somber, as graves and altars or ofrendas are decorated to pay homage to those lost. The artists in this show have each been influenced by the traditions, colors, festivities, ceremonies, metaphors and symbols involved in this unique holiday.
Esta exposición de bellas artes presenta una muestra de artistas locales que están conectados al Día de los Muertos por su herencia. El Día de los Muertos es una festividad única que comenzó en México al combinar creencias de las antiguas culturas indígenas Zapotecas y Aztecas con creencias cristianas coloniales. En la actualidad, la festividad es una verdadera celebración de los difuntos, tanto animada y divertida, como solemne, ya que se decoran tumbas y altares u ofrendas para rendir homenaje a quienes se han ido. Los artistas en esta exposición han sido influenciados por las tradiciones, colores, festividades, ceremonias, metáforas y símbolos relacionados con esta festividad única.
Opening Reception | Recepción de Apertur:
11/2, 4-6pm
Join the artists for a brief talk about their work.
Únase a los artistas para una breve charla sobre su trabajo.
Contribute to the Community Ofrenda
Contribuir a la Ofrenda Comunitaria
Death eventually touches everyone—it is a great equalizer and unifier. In acknowledgement that we all share in the celebration of life and the grief of loss, we invite you to contribute to the community ofrenda located at LINC Library Innovation Center as we celebrate this holiday together.
Ways to Contribute:
Write a short poem or note in remembrance of your loved one
Create a drawing or use one provided to you during the event
Leave a symbolic object, for example: offer an item listed above, a printed photograph or a personal item that you would not mind donating. NO FAMILY HEIRLOOMS OR ITEMS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE RETURNED PLEASE
La Muerte es el algo que es parte de nuestra vida y eventualmente nos toca a todos—es un gran unificador y recordatorio de igualdad. En reconocimiento que todos compartimos la celebración de la vida y el duelo en la perdida de los seres queridos, los invitamos a contribuir a la ofrenda comunitaria y compartir la celebración de esta festividad.
Como Puedes Contribuir:
Escribe un poema, o un mensaje recordando a tus seres queridos
Haz un dibujo o utiliza uno que se estan dando durante el evento
Deja un objecto simbólico. Por ejemplo, una fotografía u objeto personal del difunto que te gustaría donar. NINGUN OBJETO QUE TENGA GRAN VALOR SENTIMENTAL Y QUE NECESITEN REGRESARSE
Are you interested in sponsoring the event?
This Event is Proudly Sponsored By:
What is Dia De Los Muertos?
Día de los Muertos, also known as “Day of the Dead” is a beloved Mexican holiday that celebrates the memories of ancestors and deceased family members much like a joyful family reunion.
The celebration originated in ancient Mesoamérica (Mexico and northern Central America) where indigenous groups, including Aztec, Maya and Toltec, had specific times when they commemorated their loved ones who had passed away. Certain months were dedicated to remembering the departed, based on whether the deceased was an adult or a child. The holiday is now celebrated in the U. S., Mexico and parts of Central and South America on November 1 and 2. November 1 is often the day set aside to remember children who have passed away. November 2 is for adults.
The event is a celebration of life, not death. The ancients believed new life comes from death; the celebration is a recognition that death is part of life’s journey, and is often associated with the cyclical aspects of agriculture.
Want more ideas and resources for celebrating Dia De Los Muertos?
¿Quieres más ideas y recursos para celebrar el Día De Los Muertos?